How to become topper

we are talking about some tricks that help to become topper in your school . If you follow this tips consistently you will become excellent in studies
 Hello guys welcome to my blog today we are talking about some tricks that help to become topper in your school . If you follow this tips consistently you will become excellent in studies so let's find out. 


How to become topper

 What is a genius?

Answer is
An exceptionally intelligent person or one with exceptional skill in a particular activity

E=mc² founder Albert Einstein is a genius physicist

Is it important to be a genius to become topper?

The answer is No because topper is a normal guy like you They become genius because they study smart

 According to research psychologist, an Angela duckward persistent and Will combined is more important than IQ

How can you become a topper? 

I will tell you 4 easy tips so lets started

1 Beat the curve

According to Ebbinghaus invented a curve named Ebbinghaus forgetting curve tells
Whatever you memorize you forgot 64% after 9 hours and after 1 month you will only remember 20%

To solve this problem you have to revise the topic in the following session
1 after 20 minutes
2 next day
3 after 7 days
4 after a month

You will surprise after following this tip and you can score high marks

2. Stay ahead

The best example is when you play video games a chemical release in your brain named dopamine  which  gives you a feeling to complete next level

You can use this trick in the study, now let's see
You can read the topic in advance before explained in school and next day you can easily answer every question that teacher asked and this released dopamine and helps to continue this trick and  ultimately you will understand the topic that teacher explained
Now, this is a win-win situation.

3. Mind-blowing mistakes

You have to do lots of mistakes I mean lots of to become topper not in exams but before exams
Because "failure is the first step to become a success " (excellent excuse for low marks / just kidding)

So you can identify this mistake and not do in the exam.

4. Slacker stay way

Try to make groups with some intelligent people who can help you in exams this will affect in your study this is called mirroring effect

( Your moms are right to stay with good people)

So this is trick's that helps you to become topper I hope you like it for more cool trick stay tuned with us

Best of luck for studies. Peace

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