How to make timetable for study

want to know how to make your timetable because of exams are near or want to score highest marks in your class so you are in right place

 So you are willing to study because of exams are near or score highest marks in your class and want to know how to make your timetable, So you can study properly and effectively so you are in right place without wasting any time let's get started titled 


Study tips

1 Eisenhower matrix

So what is the Eisenhower matrix,  to make a timetable you have to consider two things which are time and syllabus 

Most of the students failed to follow their timetable because they are not realistic.  I mean it's like they  didn't know how to play cricket and dreaming about playing at the international level

So before making timetable you have to arrange your all subject in descending order to do that you have to make a grid of 2 by 2

                    Difficult                       easy 

More         long syllabus           long but easy


Less         short syllabus         short syllabus but difficult                               easy 


And this grid is called the Eisenhower matrix

Now we begin to see 2 tips To manage time and how to use this Eisenhower matrix 

2. Tackle time

So we are done arranging the  syllabus let's make our time table so let's consider you follow your daily routine like school, tuition homework,  playing eating and you left 4 hours for self-study 

Maybe you didn't get  4 hours or get more so you can modify it to manage so let's start planning

On Monday you have to study the  easiest chapter in your grid which is the last one for 2 hrs

Take a break of 15 minutes and study the  hardest chapter in your grid which is the  first one for 1 hrs

And remains you can revise what you read

On then the  next  days, you have to increase the difficulty level  which means on Monday you were studying easiest now you will study 2 second one which is more syllabus but an  easy one for 2 hrs  

And study 1hrs difficult subject which is the first one 

Continue this for weekday ( Monday to Friday)  and increase the difficulty level of the  subject which you will study 2hrs and study 1hr difficult subject ( 1 one in the  grid) and remaining time revise what you study

So what about weekends or holidays?  Let's find out in the  next step

3 handing weekends

On Saturday you have to revise all the things you study on weekdays 

On Sunday you have to take a self-set of things you studied and do homework which is given by schools and tuition ( if you don't have homework enjoy your Sunday, ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )    ) 

4 follow the damn timetable,(CJ) 

The most important step instead of to planning execute your plan but how?  Let's find out

Zeigarnic  Effect  help to make consistent to follow your timetable  

Our brain does not like unfinished things so study 5 minutes earlier according to tog your study time 

This will help you to complete your study session because of the  zeigarnic effect and you are studying the  easiest syllabus which doesn't bore or bothered you 


Study ina  silent and peaceful place and silent notification is a  lot of helpful for studying without distraction

I hope you like this timetable and follow it 

Also,o read how to do self-study effectively

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