How to study smart not hard

How to stop wasting time and how to study smart without making mistakes because mistakes can be lethal just like facebook

I will show you a thing which will shock you Mike the headless chicken.

Mike the headless chicken is only animal who live 2 years without brain. Of course we need brain to live and we need more brain to study

All of us has an incredible brains, in fact our brain can light a light bulb but when exam comes our brain stop working

The reason is because laziness, actually according to survey we spend 25 years sleeping

How to stop wasting time and how to study smart without making mistakes because mistakes can be lethal just like facebook

Facebook hired Brian Acton who make whatsapp and Facebook had to buy whatsapp in 19 billion,  a huge loss for Facebook 

We cannot do this loss in study therefore without wasting time

 let's get started tilted:

How to study smart not hard

How to study smart  not hard

1. Boston visual retention

Remember when you study a difficult topic with lots of time and efforts and finally you memorize it learn it and after few hours or next day you forgot just like you saw a light of men in Black pen

To avoid this you have skim through the topic after next day just read it heading, topics example etc it take only few minutes.

You have to do this for a week. It is scientifically proven that visual learner is more effective .

2. The leitner method

The leitner method helps you to learn physics formula, example, molecular weight , date etc.

In this method we used spaced repetition, so what is spaced repetition? Let's find out

You have make flash card on which you have to write questions on one side and other side you have to write answers. Soon you will make a set

After that try to answer the questions without looking and make a set of flashcards which are difficult for answer.

Soon you will have 2 pairs of card one is difficult and other one easy. You have to practice difficult flashcards every day and 2 flashcards every Sunday.

This will help a lot.

3 genius hour

Google is very innovative and productive you all know but did you know a secret behind it?

The secret is Google gives their employees 20% of free time in their job hours due to which they can do something their favourite projects or something they want, Google called this genius hour

You can use this method when you are studying something for very long time your brain overloaded with information scientists called this cognitive overload

After studying you can do something productive and then study this will refresh your mind..

So this are 3 tips to how to study smart i hope you like it

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. "-Tim Notke, basketball coach 

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