How to study effectively for long hours

Studying something effectively is a best way to save time. It helps you to complete other chapters as fast as possible compare to your normal routine
Studying something effectively is the best way to save time. It helps you to complete other chapters as fast as possible compare to your normal study routine. Sadly most people do not know about it.

So without wasting any time let's get started:  
How to study effectively for long hours.

How to study effectively for long hours

1 wake up  ( a morning routine )

The best way to increase focus in studies is to wake up early in the morning ( I know you knew this thing)

So after waking up you have prepared a list of chapters you want to study this helps to study directly that chapter rather than finding and get confused about what to read? This is simple  you can do it very easily

Completing your target creates a positive mental attitude that motivates you to complete other chapters on the list you had decided. this  creates momentum to study

Don't do this: after waking up do not follow your addiction

For example, your addiction is Instagram so do not open it will divert your mind from study results lack of focus and your waste of time

According to Julie Morgenstern books NEVER CHECK AND EMAIL IN THE MORNING tells this thing

2. Execute the plan

So  you have planned what to study now it's time to execute in real

According to cal Newport in his book deep work said

High quality work produced= Time spent × Intensity of focus

Therefore you have to start the study with the difficult subject first and start a short study session than increase its time

Let's start with 30 than 45 than 1hour etc.

3. Relax

David Allen in his book Getting things done said that " the ability to generate power is directly proportional to the ability to relax"

So you have to take a break after each session and do not use your phone or watch TV instead you can walk outside, take look from the window, etc

4. Favourite subject helps you

Assume that after following all the above tricks but you still feel distracted than taking a textbook of your favorite subject to select your favorite chapter and read it.

It will help to overcome the feeling of distraction because you will enjoy it doing it. After all, it's your favorite subject. I am sure you will motivate to study

5. Trump card

These tricks work for me, I hope it will work for you.  if all the above time does not work (including 4. Tip)

So the trick is that you have to watch a video or an article that gives tips to study, increase focus, or related to just like this blog. It will motivate you to study and maybe you are curious to use the tricks you watched or read

This is the effective tricks to study effectively

key point: consistency  is the key to success

it will help to do things effectively  as well as correctly

I hope you love these tricks and tips, for more content like this stay tuned with us
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