how to study for exams in less time 2021

So you are the person who do not study the whole year?and exam time is near and you are so confused how to study for exam in less time

how to study  for exams in less time 2020

 So you are the person who do not study the whole year?and exam time is near and you are so confused how to study for exam in less time

To erase your problem as well as confusion  i will tell you how to study for eaxm in less time  and 4 effective ways to study in short time

Is studying in less time impossible?

The answer is NO!. Because according to study, it takes only 20 hrs to learn a new skill

If you calculate then it takes only 5 days to learn a new subject if you study four hours every day. 

You can study 4 hours every day by stoping your bad habits.

so How bad habits affect in your study

Bad habits help to slow you down! Which is not helpful, In one word they are obstacles for you which is not good

I will tell you what they are and their solutions

1. cannot start study

Laziness is the biggest obstacle in your way to achieving 100% in your exam

If you have to solve this problem you have to make a habit of study at the allotted time by you

The first few days will be difficult but no pain no gain. In this way, you can start to study

2 felling bored during the study

So you have started study Right?, I hope so but you started feeling bored after solving some questions. In this situation, you have to divide the 4hrs in one hour each

( I know you will not study 4hrs continue)

Study for 30 mins and take a break for five minutes and then start this will help you to release the burden and help to study for more time

3 multiple tasking

 Music is playing you are still studying, T.V is on you are still studying this will not work
Multiple tasking is a skill maybe but if you are studying then definitely it's not.

The only solution you have to go into peaceful Environment to study this will help to increase focus and help to study effectively

4 forget what you learn

So finally you are studying learning and memorising everything excellent but you forgot all things you learned in next day.( Mission passed Respect +++) jokes apart

The solution of this problem is very simple you have to skim through ( just read it)  

that topic again after completing and after 2-3 days later than a week than a month 

I  am sure this will help you

This will take 15-20 minutes to read the topic properly and save lots of your precious time 

So this is the simple trick  that  help you to study for an exam in a less and short time.

so stop wasting your precious time and start your studies to achieve  you goals  and happy your parents with your  excellent marks

make sure to learn something  instead  of memorising

memorising  help  you in short term but not in long term so don’t  foucs on marks  foucs on your progress 

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